After a recent American Airline flight to Dallas I was awaiting my luggage in baggage claim, when all of a sudden box after box with ribbons on them started up the luggage belt. At first I thought, wow! Someone just shipped a bunch of boxes on our flight from LAX, then there was an announcement saying that the boxes were a gift from American Airlines and we were free to take one. Not knowing what was inside and wanting to make it interesting I texted my wife and had her and my two sons guess the contents of the box and whoever guessed closest could have it. I guessed shirt, the wife guessed pillow, my oldest guessed pajamas, and my youngest son guessed pillow and blanket. When I got to my rental car I opened the box and there inside was a nice Coca Cola Arctic Home Polar Bear and a voucher for 250 free miles. I thought wow, that was pretty cool and unexpected. They took a lot of time and money to do this and I thought it was worth mentioning here that American would do a kind act to brighten up the Christmas spirit for its passengers. Come to think of it, this Polar Bear was the highlight of my trip.
Thanks American!!!
P.S. I gave the bear to my wife figuring it was the closest guess to a pillow.